Profil Kepala Sekretariat
Dayu Sandra Tiurma Uly S.E., M.Ak., Ak.
Lahir di Denpasar, 2 Februari 1972. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas Gadjah Mada pada 1997 dan Pascasarjana...
Tujuan Utama Evaluasi Spbe Bukan Untuk Pemeringkatan, Tapi…
Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PANRB) melakukan evaluasi penerapan Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) 2024 pada instansi pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Tujuan...
Pendaftaran PPPK Pemprov Riau Dibuka, Ada 6.360 Kuota Penerimaan, Ini Tiga Formasinya
PEKANBARU (RIAUPOS.CO) - Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Riau resmi mengumumkan pelaksanaan penerimaan Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) tahun 2024. Tahun ini, total ada 6.360...
Banyak Aset Belum Disertifikasi, Pemko Pekanbaru Targetkan Tuntas Tahun Ini
Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Pekanbaru, mengupayakan agar sertifikasi aset milik Kota Pekanbaru bisa seratus persen. Masih ada ratusan aset yang belum disertifikasi. Sekretaris Daerah Kota...
Anggaran Pendidikan Digunakan Buat Bangun Jalan, Dede Yusuf Ini Harus Diaudit
Wakil Ketua Komisi X DPR RI Dede Yusuf Macan Effendi menyatakan Panitia Kerja (Panja) Pembiayaan Pendidikan tengah memperjuangkan pengelolaan anggaran pendidikan yang lebih baik,...
3 Ruas Jalan Di Pekanbaru Mulai Diperbaiki, Pemkot Janji Segera Mulus
Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Pekanbaru melalui Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan dan Penataan Ruang (PUPR) terus melakukan perbaikan jalan rusak secara bertahap. Perbaikan jalan rusak saat...
Serius Entaskan Kemiskinan Ekstrem, Pemprov Riau Alokasikan APBD Rp1,56 Triliun
Pemerintah Provinsi Riau alokasikan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) sebesar Rp1,56 triliun untuk mengatasi kemiskinan ekstrem.
Hal ini disampaikan oleh Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Riau SF...
Profil Kepala Subbagian Sumber Daya Manusia
Seri Wastuti S.E., Ak., M.Ak., CA
Lahir di Bukittinggi, 25 September 1979 dan mulai bergabung di Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) pada tahun 2008 sebagai Administrasi...
Profil Kepala Subbagian Keuangan
Superman S.E., Ak., M.M, CA
Lahir di Kota Solok, Sumatera Barat pada tanggal 4 Maret 1970, Kepala Subbagian Keuangan BPK Riau yang akrab di panggil...
Bapenda Pekanbaru Klaim Sudah Kumpulkan PAD Pajak Hingga Rp670 Miliar
Badan Pendapatan Daerah (Bapenda) Kota Pekanbaru, kini sudah berhasil mengumpulkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari 11 sektor pajak sebesar Rp670 miliar. Capaian PAD tersebut...
Strategi Nasional Pencegahan Korupsi Melalui Perizinan Dan Tata Niaga Dengan Kebijakan Satu Peta (One...
Tindak pidana korupsi merupakan suatu bentuk ancaman terhadap prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, yang menjunjung tinggi transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan integritas, serta keamanan dan stabilitas bangsa Indonesia. Tindak...
Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan...
bahwa hutan, sebagai karunia dan amanah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang dianugerahkan kepada bangsa Indonesia, merupakan kekayaan yang dikuasai oleh Negara, memberikan manfaat...
Hingga Juli 2022, PAD dari Jasa Parkir Tepi Jalan Umum Capai Rp 4 Milliar
Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Pekanbaru melalui Dinas Perhubungan, raup Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Rp4 miliar dari jasa layanan parkir tepi jalan umum. Capaian ini terhitung...
OJK Sebut Riau Hanya Perlu 3,7 Persen untuk Kejar Target Inklusi Keuangan 2024
Kepala Otoritas Jasa Keuangan atau OJK Provinsi Riau Muhammad Lutfi mengungkapkan, Riau hanya perlu mengejar 3,7% untuk mengejar target inklusi keuangan 90% di tahun...
OJK Sebut Riau Hanya Perlu 3,7 Persen untuk Kejar Target Inklusi Keuangan 2024
Kepala Otoritas Jasa Keuangan atau OJK Provinsi Riau Muhammad Lutfi mengungkapkan, Riau hanya perlu mengejar 3,7% untuk mengejar target inklusi keuangan 90% di tahun...
Pemko Anggarkan Dana Rp50 M
Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Riau saat ini diketahui tengah mengusut dugaan korupsi pengadaan lahan Perkantoran Terpadu Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Pekanbaru. Pengadaan lahan di...
Upacara Peringatan HUT Korpri Ke-48 Tahun 2019 di Kantor BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau
Jum’at (29/11/2019), BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau
melaksanaan upacara Peringatan HUT KORPRI Ke-48 di halaman Kantor Gedung BPK
Perwakilan Riau....
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Thinking About Immediate Solutions Of Learning A Language Tips
When I arrived in Buenos Aires to start with of 2010, I might barely order meals in an area restaurant. I believe you'll be...
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Data room can be described as required program for homework. An selling data room or online data place is a great across...
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At this point, las vegas dui attorney a guy results in grabbing a phone in addition to browsing the options. Appear a certain sort...
Serah Terima Jabatan Kepala Perwakilan BPK Provinsi Banten
Serang – Bertempat di Ruang Auditorium BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Banten, Serang, telah berlangsung Acara Serah Terima Jabatan (Sertijab) Kepala Perwakilan BPK Provinsi Banten yang...
Learn more about why organization development is important for growing and increasing your organization
The type of organization and route of progress will stipulate your organization production program. If you receive the organization, it's the responsibility to...
Read more about why organization creation is essential for growing and widening your provider
The sort of organization and path of growth will stipulate your organization expansion program. Should you receive the business, it's your responsibility to...
Find out about why organization creation is essential for growing and increasing your company
The sort of organization and way of expansion will necessitate your organization expansion program. In the event you receive the organization, it's the...
Find out more on why organization creation is essential for growing and raising your...
The type of business and way of development will necessitate your organization production program. In case you receive the organization, it's your responsibility...
Know more about why organization development is important for growing and increasing your provider
The type of business and route of progress will state your organization creation program. In the event you receive the business, it's your...
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What to Expect From Matchmaking Services? You intend to be prepared, and that means you brush up about what providers having...
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How to begin with Cosmopolitan Business? A firm must become mindful pertaining to the development costs in order...
One Simple Trick with regards to International Organization Explained
How to Get Started with World Business? A company must come to be mindful pertaining to the production...
One Simple Trick designed for International Organization Explained
How to Get Started with Meeting place Business? A business must become conscious on the subject of the...
One Simple Trick with regards to International Organization Explained
How to Get Started with Meeting place Business? An organization must be conscious concerning the development costs in...
One Simple Trick for the purpose of International Organization Explained
How to Get Started with Meeting place Business? A corporation must end up being conscious with regards to...
One Simple Trick designed for International Organization Explained
Beginning your practice with External Business? A firm must come to be conscious with regards to the production...
One easy Trick with regards to International Organization Explained
How to begin with World Business? A corporation must get mindful related to the production costs to be...
One easy Trick meant for International Organization Explained
Beginning your practice with World Business? A corporation must be mindful involving the development costs in order to...
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Ensure important computer data is secure and easily retrieved when you need it. Usually, they is without question stored in data sheets...
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Cloud providers are usually integrated depending in the end-user (business) requirements. The service plan was made to help people and firms collaborate...
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What All people Dislikes Related to Business and Why Your small business starts after this and throughout the presentation...
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A fan page really should be designed in such a manner that audiences can get all the info needed just and effectively. Today...
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A devotee page needs to be designed in such a way that audiences can get all the info needed easily and proficiently. Today...
Website landing page Secrets
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Squeeze page Secrets
A devotee page ought to be designed in such a manner that viewers can get all the details needed easily and proficiently. Today...
How to Produce a Landing Page fundamentals
A fan page really should be designed in such a way that audiences can get all the details needed just and effectively. Today...
Squeeze page Secrets
A devotee page must be designed in such a way that viewers can get all the info needed easily and proficiently. Today you...
How to Create a Landing Page for Dummies
A devotee page needs to be designed in such a manner that audiences can get all the details needed merely and effectively. Today...
Need to know More About how exactly to Create a Landing Page?
Admirer page should be designed in such a manner that viewers can get all the information needed simply and efficiently. Today you'll understand...
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When you have the data relocated to the storage facility, you do not ever need to be uneasy about hard disks that...
Uncommon Article Gives You the Info in Organization That Only a Few People Find...
Once you have the data moved to the storage place, you planning to need to be uneasy about hard disks that include...
Exceptional Article Offers you the Particulars in Organization That just a Few People Understand...
Once you have the data relocated to the facility, you do not ever must be apprehensive about hard disk drives that contain...
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Once you have the data relocated to the stockroom, you would not must be uneasy about hard drives that include a tiny...
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When you have the data relocated to the retail, you just isn't going to have to be stressed about hard disk drives...
Rare Article Provides you with the Data upon Organization That just a Few Persons...
After you have the data moved to the assembly line, you refuse to have to be concerned about hard disks that currently...
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What Does Online Relationship Mean? Do not be afraid to inquire questions considering that a number of the tips you'll be...
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Plus aid where forced to help anyone receive your own data room ready for you to go. You have to also know the...
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The human relationships formed are extremely close, because the couple has to be devoted to offer at any strain they get from their family...
Kepala Perwakilan BPK Provinsi Riau Menerima Kunjungan Kepala Kantor BNI Wilayah Sumbar-Riau
Pekanbaru – Pada Senin (15/10), BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau menerima kunjungan dari Kepala Kantor BNI Wilayah 02 yang meliputi Provinsi Sumatera Barat dan Riau....
Often the Definitive Guide to Enterprise
Always select a plan which is great to get increasing your business business. Therefore, if you need your business to achieve its purpose...
The Definitive Manual to Enterprise
Always select a plan which can be great for escalating your own business entity. Therefore, if you require your enterprise to reach your...
The exact Definitive Handbook to Organization
Always decide on a plan that is certainly great with regard to increasing your own business party. Therefore, when you your enterprise to...
The actual Definitive Manual to Enterprise
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The exact Definitive Handbook to Industry
Always pick a plan that could be great to get expanding your current business business. Therefore, in order for you your company to...
The exact Definitive Guide to Enterprise
Always pick a plan that is certainly great just for growing your own personal business empire. Therefore, if you need your online business...
The exact Definitive Handbook to Company
Always select a plan that could be great intended for raising your business party. Therefore, if you require your internet business to achieve...
The exact Definitive Manual to Organization
Always pick a plan that may be great just for growing your business empire. Therefore, if you require your organization to be joyful...
The main Definitive Guide to Enterprise
Always decide on a plan that could be great pertaining to maturing your company's business entity. Therefore, when you your business to achieve...
The Definitive Handbook to Enterprise
Always opt for a plan that could be great meant for rising your individual business empire. Therefore, in order for you your small...
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The Nuiances of Online Marriage Right from the start of a partnership you should prosper for a solo thing. If you...
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The interactions formed are incredibly close, since the couple should be devoted to deal at any pressure they acquire from their close family or...
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Top Find Soulmate Secrets Only be certain that an individual recognize what that you simply prefer, especially in the celebration that...
How to Make a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a organization site. A little small business internet site...
Landing Page Ideas
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A small small business web-site ought...
Squeeze page Tips
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business site ought...
Squeeze page Tips
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business webpage ought...
How to Make a Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A tiny small business website ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A little small business web-site ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A little small business webpage ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a organization site. A small small business website ought to...
How to Make a Squeeze page
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A small small business web-site ought to...
Squeeze page Tips
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business internet site...
Squeeze page Secrets
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a business site. A tiny small business internet site ought...
Website landing page Tips
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business site ought to...
Landing Page Secrets
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A tiny small business web-site ought to...
How to Create a Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business web-site ought...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A small small business website ought...
The Best Strategy to Use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business site ought to...
Landing Page Advice
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A small small business web-site ought...
Squeeze page Secrets
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A small small business web-site ought to...
The Best Technique you can use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A little small business web page...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a business site. A small small business site ought to...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A tiny small business internet site...
How to Create a Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A tiny small business site ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business webpage ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Landing Page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a business site. A little small business webpage ought...
How to Create a Squeeze page
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a business site. A small small business site ought to...
Squeeze page Advice
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a business site. A tiny small business web-site ought...
Website landing page Advice
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A small small business web page...
The Best Strategy to Use for Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A tiny small business internet site ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a business site. A tiny small business webpage ought to...
The Best Technique you can use for Squeeze page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a business site. A little small business web-site ought...
How to Make a Squeeze page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business site ought...
The Best Technique you can use for Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A little small business internet site ought...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business webpage ought...
The Best Strategy to Use for Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business site ought...
Website landing page Secrets
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business site ought to...
How to Make a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business webpage ought...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a organization site. A small small business internet site...
Squeeze page Ideas
The very first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a business site. A little small business site ought...
How to Create a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is get yourself a organization site. A tiny small business web-site ought to...
How to Create a Landing Page
The very first thing that you need to do is get yourself a business site. A little small business website ought to...
How to Make a Website landing page
The very first thing that you ought to do is to get yourself a organization site. A little small business web page...
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Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Get a Bride Is Wrong If you're looking out to develop partnership find asian dating...
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Free Web-site Builder – Building Your Website Without having to shell out Money
Internet users come across a website to see if it could be comfortable to use before that they even have made a decision...
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Internet users come across a website and discover if it is very comfortable to work with before they even have made a decision...
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Internet users stumbled upon a website and discover if is comfortable to work with before they will even have made a decision to...
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A Magic formula Weapon for Business When you're willing to start a company, you will need to be able...
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A Secret Weapon for Business When if you're happy to get started on a business, you could need for...
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A Magic formula Weapon for all the buinessmen When you're prepared to initiate a organization, you definitely will need...
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Beginning a blog may seem daunting, nonetheless having the correct knowledge on hand and pursuing valuable ideas may help an individual just...
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Starting a blog may appear daunting, yet having the right knowledge at your fingertips and pursuing valuable points may help you don't...
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Beginning a blog may look daunting, nonetheless having the correct knowledge on hand and pursuing valuable strategies may help you don't just...
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Beginning a blog may seem daunting, but having the accurate knowledge on hand and pursuing valuable points may help an individual just...
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Beginning a blog page may seem daunting, but having the appropriate knowledge on hand and following valuable recommendations may help an individual...
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You may have all you need to tempt ladies. So , you wish to ensure that at least a few girls should respond to...
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Virtually anyone who likes to find true love is accept to apply for the postal mail order brides service. For everybody who is...
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If that you simply in business, your singular independent should be to reach your expected market found in such a method that they can't...
The Principles of Organization That You Can Gain from Starting Instantly
If it's in operation, your single intent is to reach your expected target audience found in such a approach they will can't avoid the...
Seven Important Points For Task Management | Virtuele dataroom
It is believed that for a organization to get accomplishment, a great project supervision is the keystone to program and function the...
Some Important Points For Task Management | Virtual dataroom
It can be believed that for a organization to acquire success, a superb project managing is the keystone to package and course...
Seven Important Items For Job Management | Virtual data room providers
It is actually believed that for a business to get achievement, a very good project supervision is the keystone to plan and...
Some Important Factors For Project Management | Investment banking data room
It is believed that for a business to receive accomplishment, an excellent project administration is the keystone to schedule and course the...
Seven Important Things For Task Management | Room providers
It can be believed that for a business to acquire achievement, a great task managing is the keystone to arrange and course...
Seven Important Tips For Task Management | Secure data rooms
It truly is believed that for a organization to receive success, a very good project operations is the keystone to arrange and...
Seven Important Details For Job Management | Data room solutions
It really is believed that for a business to obtain success, a fantastic project supervision is the keystone to schedule and practice...
Several Important Factors For Job Management | Secure data rooms
It truly is believed that for a business to get achievement, an excellent task supervision is the keystone to plan and function...
Some Important Details For Task Management | Vdr dataroom
It really is believed that for a organization to get achievement, a fantastic task operations is the keystone to prepare and task...
Seven Important Items For Project Management | Virtual data room index
It is believed that for a business to get success, a very good project administration is the keystone to arrange and practice...
Some Important Points For Project Management | Vdr provider
It truly is believed that for a organization to get success, a superb job supervision is the keystone to arrange and action...
Several Important Factors For Task Management | Secure data room
It truly is believed that for a business to acquire accomplishment, a superb job control is the keystone to prepare and course...
Several Important Items For Job Management | Vdr data room
It truly is believed that for a business to acquire accomplishment, a very good job supervision is the keystone to schedule and...
Seven Important Items For Project Management | Vdr providers
It is believed that for a business to get accomplishment, an outstanding task management is the keystone to arrange and practice the...
Seven Important Things For Job Management | Virtuele dataroom
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Fajar Priyotomo S.E., M.Han.
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Andre Setyarso, SH
Lahir di Gresik, 14 Desember 1984 dan mulai bergabung di Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) pada tahun 2007 sebagai Pemeriksa ahli pertama pada...
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Solikhin S.I.P., M.M.
Lahir di Tegal, 7 September 1971 dan mulai bergabung di BPK pada tahun 2007 sebagai Administrasi Umum pada Biro Umum Sekretariat Jenderal...
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Lahir di Krui, 1 Desember 1973 dan mulai bergabung di Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) pada tahun 2000 sebagai administrasi...
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Mas Agung M. Noor S.ST., MSi., Ak., CFE
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Kepala Subauditorat Riau I
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Kepala Perwakilan
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Retribusi Pemeriksaan Alat Pemadam Kebakaran
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a. Sejarah Singkat
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Diseminasi Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Tindak Lanjut (SIPTL)
Bertempat di Ruang Auditorium BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau, Kamis (1/12) berlangsung acara Diseminasi Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Tindak Lanjut (SIPTL). Kegiatan diseminasi ini bertujuan untuk...
Upacara Bendera Dalam Rangka Hari Pahlawan 10 November 2016
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pahlawan, BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau melaksanakan Upacara Bendera pada Kamis, 10 November 2016 bertempat di halaman gedung kantor Perwakilan. Pada...
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Bertempat di Ruang Rapat BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau, Senin (10/10) telah dilaksanakan rapat koordinasi antara DPRD Kabupaten Rokan Hulu dengan BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Riau....
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Seminar “Keberhasilan Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Peran Pengawas Kelembagaan”
Bertempat di Grand Ballroom Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru, Jum'at (9/9) berlangsung seminar yang bertajuk "Keberhasilan Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Peran Pengawas Kelembagaan". Acara yang dimoderatori oleh...
Mejor Ensayo . Es análisis: primero sitio a adquirir papel prontitud y sin ningún...
¿Se siente cuestión sobre cómo lograr desafiantes colegiata papeles? le proporciona llave en mano Ideas que ayudan que muy buena grados.Ensayo es...
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Exactly what are Values of the Two-Year Higher education.
Advanced schooling on this nation is swiftly becoming a need while in the home business team rather then an extravagance. On the previous the...
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Besprechung von medizinischer Artikel Online-Schreibkundenservice für Examinanden
Brauchen Sie getreuen wirtschaftliche Doktorarbeit Erschaffer für der Editierung Ihrem Projekt voll und ganz.Völlige juristische Examensarbeit Editierung DienstRevisionVorbereitung Ämter als ein Site sind außergewöhnliche...
Revue von wirtschaftliche Kursarbeit Ghostwriter Unternehmen für Studiosi
Revue von wirtschaftliche Kursarbeit Ghostwriter Unternehmen für StudiosiBedürfen Sie besonderen medizinisches Fallstudie Schreiber für dem Schreiben Ihrem Auftrag von vorne bis hinten. ...
Prüfung von juristische Hausarbeit Ghostwriter Amt für Hörern
Bedürfen Sie soliden Seminararbeit Kenner für der Vorbereitung Ihrer Klausurarbeit von vornherein.Gründliche wirtschaftliches Thesis Ausarbeitung AgenturKontrolleEditierung Schreibgeschäfte als ein Site sind toller Beitun für...
A Adaptable GPA High School Calculator Meant to Up Your Grades. Look No Much...
With Our GPA High School Calculator Any Pupil Can Now Just Attain Their GPA Online. Our GPA Calculator High School 4.0 Scale Is simple...
Mejor Ensayo . Es Resumen: confianza empresa a orden papeles rapidez y en el...
Mejor Ensayo . Es Resumen: confianza empresa a orden papeles rapidez y en el momento adecuado ¿Se encuentra ansiosos sobre cómo...
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kampar Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah...
Peraturan Daerah Kota Pekanbaru Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyertaan Modal Daerah dan...
Peraturan Daerah Kota Pekanbaru Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah
bahwa dalam rangka mewujudkan Kota Pekanbaru yang sehat...
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Siak Nomor 7 Tahun 2015 tentang Lembaga Penyiaran Publik Lokal Radio
PERDA KAB. SIAK NO.7, LD 2015/ NO. 7, TLD. 2015/NO. 03, LL SETDA KAB. SIAK : 31 HLM
Überarbeitung von juristisches Projekt online Agentur für Polytechnikern
Überarbeitung von juristisches Projekt online Agentur für PolytechnikernSuchen Sie treuen akademische Hausarbeit Produzent für der Präparation Ihrem Projekt ganz von vorne. Umfassende...
Untersuchung von medizinische Facharbeit Schreibfirma für Polytechnikern
Brauchen Sie fantastischen wirtschaftliche Examensarbeit Fachmann für der Fertigung Ihrer Bestellung von Beginn an.Detailreiche Aufsatz Schreiben Online-SchreibfirmaKontrolleLektorat Schreibfirmen als ein Site sind klasse ...
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Economic Image Of the Globe IN 2 hundred A few yrs FROM NOW
Economic Image Of the Globe IN 2 hundred A few yrs FROM NOW Many establishments that carry out worldwide financial forecasts very much the...
Financial Image Of your Earth IN 200 Many years FROM NOW
Financial Image Of your Earth IN 200 Many years FROM NOW Many institutions that perform environment broad economic forecasts including the Intercontinental Monetary Fund...
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Entry Meeting Tim Pemeriksaan Pendahuluan LKPD Pemerintah Provinsi Riau Tahun Anggaran 2014
Pada hari ini, Senin, 9 Februari 2015 pukul 09.15 s.d 10.08 WIB, bertempat di Ruang Rapat Melati Lantai 2 Kantor Gubernur Riau, telah...
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Realisasi Fisik baru 8,06 Persen_Haluan Riau_Jumat/ 30 Mei 2014
Berharap Pencairan tak Terhambat_Tribun Pekanbaru_Selasa/18 Maret 2014
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Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches German championship came back after the winter break. In the coming months, we will know the answer...
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches German championship came back after the winter break. In the coming months, we will know the answer...
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kampar Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Usaha Jasa Layanan Internet
10 HLM.
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Gabriel Jesus, Firmino, Fernandinho, Willian, Ederson, Danilo and Coutinho in Brazil Squad
Gabriel Jesus, Firmino, Fernandinho, Willian, Ederson, Danilo and Coutinho in Brazil Squad Brazil boss Tite has named his squad for October qualifiers against Bolivia...
Gabriel Jesus, Firmino, Fernandinho, Willian, Ederson, Danilo and Coutinho in Brazil Squad
Gabriel Jesus, Firmino, Fernandinho, Willian, Ederson, Danilo and Coutinho in Brazil Squad Brazil boss Tite has named his squad for October qualifiers against Bolivia...
Borussia vs Leipzig- Winning Chances and Interesting Transfers
Borussia vs Leipzig- Winning Chances and Interesting Transfers Fans are looking forward to the development of the German championship, which started on August...
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches German championship came back after the winter break. In the coming months, we will know the answer...
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches
Bundesliga: Results of First Rounds’ Matches German championship came back after the winter break. In the coming months, we will know the answer...
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Recent Results of Liverpool
Recent Results of Liverpool This season, Liverpool has once again become a real contender for victory in the English Premier League. The team...
Recent Results of Liverpool
Recent Results of Liverpool This season, Liverpool has once again become a real contender for victory in the English Premier League. The team...
(Fokus Pada Belanja Modal) BPK Perikas Seluruh Satker Pemprov
Pekanbaru - Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republik Indonesia menurunkan petugasnya untuk melakukan pemeriksaan rutin di seluruh satuan kerja (satker) di Pemprov Riau. Pemeriksaan dilakukan...
Watching Football Confrontations Live
Watching Football Confrontations Live Football matches are the most top rated sports broadcasts that attract attention of millions of fans all over the...
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Perda Kabupaten Pelalawan Nomor 07 Tahun 2006 Tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pelalawan...
Perda Provinsi Riau Nomor 7 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pertanggungjawaban Pelaksanaan APBD Tahun Anggaran 2005
Bahwa Peraturan...
Perda Kab. Bengkalis Nomor 06 Tahun 2006 Tentang Retribusi Izin Pembuatan Kapal
Bahwa pembuatan kapal merupakan salah satu sumber...
Perda Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Nomor 08 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja...
Bahwa sehubungan dengan perkembangan...
Perda Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Retribusi Pelayanan Kesehatan
Bahwa untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat dan...
Perda Kabupaten Kuansing Nomor 03 Tahun 2001 Tentang Pajak Hotel
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